Monday, December 29, 2008

Great ad! . . . Somehow, I don’t remember the brand.

Last night I saw this ad for an insurance company. It was good, very well made and almost made me buy the product. The biggest problem now is- I don’t remember which brand it was. How could I miss it? I am so forgetful . . . Has this happened to you??? Let me safely assume – “YES”
Do you think it’s you who is responsible for not being able to remember the brand? I don’t think so! These ad agencies have been making ads for centuries and I wonder why they don’t understand this simple thing. How can anyone (unless you have super abilities) remember some text(name of the brand) which is hardly displayed for a few seconds just after watching a beautiful, heart-touching video?
There is a very good solution to this problem. Instead of simply showing the video clip and assuming the viewers will blindly associate the ad (video clip) with the brand, these companies/agencies can provide a company logo in some corner of the video throughout. Reliance Communication’s ad makers, I believe, have understood this clearly and have been following the same.
I am sure there would be advocators of the theory which doesn’t believe in revealing the brand till the end. They probably believe in some “suspense effect” which hardly works in today’s market simply because you have so many competitors to compete with.

I have removed the texts(name of the brand)from this clip. Don't you think it would be great to have the name of the brand throughout to get the best out of this beautiful ad?
Note: The 1st 10 secs of the video is blank.