Monday, October 29, 2007


How much are we influenced by advertisements? A deep thought and a serious insight would indicate that almost all our “consumer behavior” is entirely dependent upon what we watch on our television screen, see on billboards around the corner and hear on radio. Advertisements, invariably, are able to make an impact on our mind. Some leave behind an everlasting impression and some are so evanescent. Some makes us go crazy and some makes us change our TV channel. Some have the potential of being your mobile’s new ringtone and some compel you to mute your TV.
Are we completely DEPENDENT on commercial? Anyways, this is not the matter of concern, here, in this blog.
As the title of this blog suggests, I’ll try my best to present a critical analysis on advertisements. Here are few things which I consider should be taken under consideration for making a good commercial.
What should be the area of coverage?
Now by area of coverage I mean both people and place. Certain product would be applicable for or used by only a particular group of people where as certain product would be used in a specified region.
A very good example where this point is seriously taken into account is the new commercial for Safari Dicor. SUVs are very specific for a certain class of people and this new ad is bound to touch the right chords. Well, I’ll certainly talk a lot more on this ad as this one has turned out to be my favorite ad in recent times.

Brand Ambassador
Does a product really require a brand ambassador?
Certain products do and some don’t. Products like toothpaste wouldn’t really require a brand ambassador where as products like sports gear wouldn’t make any impact without one.

A successful alternative for a brand ambassador would be creating a fictitious icon of your own. Silky Kumar of Axe deodorant fame is a good example.

Brand Consciousness/Brand Loyalty
A very good way of creating brand loyalty in this world of Web 2.0 is through websites. This has been adopted by Coca Cola, Pepsi etc in the past to Sunsilk (shampoo brand) in recent days. has certainly added a feather in sunsilk’s cap.

Impressive Punch Line
I am sure the punch line for Fast track (watch brand) has left behind some impression. “How many you have?” would certainly urge you for creating a personal collection of the brand.
“Reclaim Your Life” (punch line for Safari Dicor) would also impel a SUV loving guy to have a Safari Dicor for himself.

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